Uruguay Anti ANTIFA no es un Bloc que promueve la violencia entre la sociedad o diferentes tribus urbanas, solo es un sitio de libre expresión la cual se publican material editados, manipulados por terceras personas externas a los administradores del blog, el cual no nos hace responsable de las acciones o medios que se usen por fuera de la publicación, no somos un grupo NEO NAZI ni un grupo IZQUIERDISTA ni de derechas tradicionales, "NI DERECHAS, NI IZQUIERDA, TERCERA POSICIÓN"

martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013

Brigada 1238 (Spain)

Hello comrades! Short history of the group, any change in your line up and in which other bands you have play before?
Hello!! The group was founded 7-8 years ago, when some close friends decided use the music as a weapon to fight for our ideals. We love the music and some we had had experience in other bands, but in that moment we redirect our style to a compromised hard rock nationalist music. We maintained the same style we had at first, but maybe, now we play with more heavy sound. You can check it listening to our first álbum and after to our third one.

What means 1238 and what about your lyrics? You make a comeback with your new album called ‘Identidad’, so give us more infos about this album.
1238 is a date. An important date of our history because, we´re from  Valencia, a place in Spain where in the thirteenth century (1238) fought, leaded by a Christian King, Jaume I, against the muslims because we wanted to recover our land. That period of time, known as “reconquest”, was decisive to get back again to lived with freedom in our land.

What about your city and what about R.A.C gigs today in Spain?
Well, our city is Valencia, placed at the east coast of Spain. People here live worried about the terrible economical situation we have now. That´s the worse thing. Maybe, bad times can help us to change the mind of they who didn´t worry about our future as big country in Europe. Twenty years ago, the youth here, organized groups and some organizations in order to fight between the system. Especially here, in Valencia, we have the pleasure to listen to some of the most famous bands of rac music in Spain, “Divivsion 250”. Nowadays, we have a lot of problems to get gigs. Authorities are in alert to forbid all the acts related with nationalist movements. It´s a pity but we carry on fighting.

Your ideological and social influences?
Our influences are clear. We don´t hide from anybody. We are spanish people and we want the best for those who have the same race and culture. It´s the classical nationalist position. Besides, we believe in a strong europe, not in a euro zone with the same coin, but in a big Alliance of the traditional countries that formed the old europe.

What about today’s situation with your economy? Spanish nationalists take part in all these demonstrations in your country? Talk us about these facts?
As we talked before, we are in a huge crisis since 4 years ago. Many people here is tired of this crisis. We have had lots of acts and protest marches organized by diferent nationalists forces. But our problem is that we don´t get the unity. We are referring to get a union of all political parties and nationalist forces. We have to wake up now!!! In other european countries, as in Hellas, you have experienced a rise of good results. What about here? Something is wrong.

You read book or magazines? What kinds you prefer?
Oh, yes!! We prefer reading history books and those which are related with our past. About magazines, we don´t have any preference.

You follow any party or organization? What happen with famous JNR?
Yes. We can say that we support Democracia Nacional, a nationalist party which, in our opinion, is the best option in Spain. There are a lot of organizations that we respect, but we consider Democracia Nacional, the only real way at present time. The reasons? There´s a easy reason for us. We have to think that we have to addapt ourselves to the time we live. Forget the past and try to get good results in their “democracy”. About JNR, we don´t know anything related with that organization. We are in the same line of all nationalist movements, but, sincereously we only know JNR as a part of political party.

You plan any gigs abroad present days? You will play a gig in my country Hellas?
There have been some offers for playing abroad (Hungary and Slovakia) but we reject them because we prefered being a little apart of live concerts. If the question is if you want us for playing in Hellas, maybe we can accept (we have to talk and prepare us for the gig). When and which were the rest of the bands?

The future for Spain and Europe in your eyes? What changes we need?
We have a song called “Europe will live”, where we talk about our opinion of this theme. We encourage you to listen and so you realize. Remember, second album, “Sangre guerrera”, the song is “EUROPE WILL LIVE”.

Few words and a dedicate for your older bassist (Rest In Peace).
Thanks a lot for making us the interview and it has been a pleasure for us answer you. We would like Brigada 1238 to be known in Hellas too. You have just helped us for making this interview. About Toni Ortiz, we only can say we will always remember him. All we´ve done is for him. An example of life, fighting for the cause.

Thank you very much for your time! Close the interview with a message to 28 Hellas / Glory Days of RAC readers.

We are delighted for the interest and encouragement to all Hellas!! You have accomplished a lot in a short time. No RAC, no LIFE!

Fuente: Glory days of rac

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